This is part one of my "must have tools which I use daily" series.
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You're asking what this is? Let me quote them:
QuoteRay is a desktop app that vastly improves your debugging experience. It is a dedicated window to send debugging information to.
You're probably familiar with xdebug, it's similar to it, but it's just must easier to use (especially if you're such a lazy dev like me)
I have even a IPS4 helper for this =>
So, what does it exactly?
1. You can output any debug code which you need via calling ray($yourData)
2. It allows you to jump straight back into your IDE from the ray debug call by clicking on the filename and line
and last but not least, there are dozen of helper functions to make any other usecase like returning only the first instance of something, out of the box time measurements, see how often a specific peace of code is called, etc..